Tomas Broedreskift, on his Equator Facebook page, reports, “Successful motor test with propeller mounted today with #engiro! Celebrating the milestone with some German (beer glass emoticon) this evening! (noise maker emoticons) Amazing to see the thing come alive at last.”
As the video shows, the Equator P2’s motor can be made to run in reverse, useful for backing out of moorages or avoiding river debris when the amphibian settles on the water. Engiro makes range extenders on a custom basis for a variety of applications including (surprise!) amphibious aircraft.
The Equator P2’s first long-distance trip, 1,361 kilometers (843 miles) from Norway to Aachen, Germany was obviously not by air, but by hand-crafted trailer, to Engiro’s headquarters where the motor tests took place. Following those tests, the hardy team will trek another 600 kilometers (373 miles) to Friedrichshafen, where the P2 will hold a place of honor at Aero17’s E-Flight Expo. Doubtless, attendees at Aero who find Hall 7 and booth 303 will be delighted by what they find.

Big pieces all fit onto compact trailer
The last part of seven years and 20,000 hours of building this unique aircraft were spent on the means of getting the P2 to Aero17. P2’s trailer is a custom-made item, with the aircraft’s components neatly tucked into fitted accommodations and covered by a form-fitted top, a bit like a short sailplane trailer. The team worked day and night to enable motor testing at Engiro and still leave time to haul the airplane south to the big event.

Everything is very snug under carefully-fitted cover. Note wing stubs adding to aerodynamics of trailer
Living up to the “E” in E-Flight Expo, the Equator P2 will show that it is Ecological, Electrical, and perhaps a few steps ahead of Evolutionary. Equator’s Facebook page explains, “We’re a small start -up company with big dreams,” adding that the firm is, “Focusing on Automated, Efficient, Sustainable and Usable Air Vehicle Design.” The world is about to find out how correct that description truly is.