APUS Rolls Out Its i-2

Dean Sigler Electric Powerplants, hydrogen, Hydrogen Fuel Leave a Comment

A Grand Roll-Out APUS, the thirteen-year-old German aircraft firm specializing in design, maintenance, and repair, rolled out its i-2, a hydrogen-powered, twin electric motor craft filled with innovative ideas.  300 invited guests attended the sunny ceremony, presided over by Brandenburg’s Minister of Economic Affairs Prof. Dr. Jörg Steinbach, together with APUS CEO Phillip Scheffel. Scheffel spoke to the crowd, explaining how much his team contributed to the firm’s accomplishment.  “Without the great work and dedication of our team, this success would never have been possible. Together we have redefined the boundaries of modern aviation.” Your editor had the pleasure of interviewing Scheffel and his compatriots Laurent Altenberger and Dipl.-Ing. Robert Adam last year.  The discussion led to a blog entry as the group was beginning development of the i-2, and highlighted some of the boundaries Scheffel speaks of redefining. One boundary was the weight penalty traditionally imposed in using hydrogen as a fuel source.  Scheffel has an approach that addresses …

APUS Offers Two Hydrogen-powered Aircraft

Dean Sigler Announcements, Electric Aircraft Components, Electric Powerplants, Fuel Cells, hydrogen, Hydrogen Fuel, Sustainable Aviation Leave a Comment

Designs to Fly “Without Harm for the Climate” APUS (Latin for swift bird) has announced two aircraft, the i-2 and i-5, that will offer either zero emission or very low emission flight.  The designs represent some highly innovative thinking and excellent performance. APUS states its mission as, “Flying without any Harm for Climate!”  To that end, they are developing four craft that will fly on green hydrogen power.  Partnered with, “PowerCell (Hydrogen Fuel Cells), Fraunhofer (High-Voltage applications), COTESA (hydrogen storage solutions) and HEGGEMANN (hydrogen supply and safety systems) we are developing certified powertrain units for emission-free air transportation applications.” APUS i-2, Zero-Emission General Aviation Aircraft In a recent discussion with CEO Dipl.-Ing.Phillip Scheffel; Laurent Altenberger ,an Aerospace Project and Supply Chain Management Consultant in Business Development; and Dipl.-Ing. Robert Adam, a company co-founder and head of powertrain development, your editor learned how committed APUS is in the matter of promoting environmentally friendly flight.  APUS itself goes back to the 2011 …