Following last year’s Uber Elevate Summit, one came away with the idea that future landing areas for Urban Air Mobility vehicles would be multi-story and expansive, with connections readily available to other forms of commuting. Volocopter, working with Skyports , has Volo-Ports coming, with the first one due to open by the end of this year. The “stunning designs” for these landing pads will come from the agency Brandlab. Drawings released so far show that Voloports will be simple and modular, enablihg their distribution in many locations or clustered in one centralized facility. Introduced at the Berlin Green Festival, Volo-Ports appear to be open, friendly places where one can be introduced effortlessly to the joys of taking Volocopters to distant places. Volocopters, smaller than the planned five-passenger vehicles assumed for Uber Elevate rides, will eventually carry two, once certification requirements allow autonomous operation. The first Volo-Port, to be constructed in Singapore will open for scheduled flight trials in the second half …