Rolls-Royce, famous for building engines such as the WWII Merlin that powered Spitfires, Mustangs, Mosquitos and Lancaster bombers, is engaged on three (or four) fronts currently, bringing hybrid electric transport to the skies. Hybrid Electric VTOL for Commuting Rolls is jumping into this crowded market segment with its concept for an electric VTOL (Vertical Takeoff and Landing) machine, powered by four electric motors on the wings and two on the tail. With over 100 machines of varying configurations that might be the Uber rides of the future – according to Electric VTOL News, Rolls, normally a conservative company, is planning something a bit radical – even in this field. Rolls’ headline for this craft indicates a new direction for the firm: “Quieter, cleaner and potentially disruptive: EVTOLs prepare for take-off.” Launching at Farnborough this month, Rolls’ machine and its goals are best described in their launch publicity. “Rolls-Royce’s hybrid EVTOL concept is based around the M250, the engine of choice …