Having recently been allowed a test drive in a Nissan Leaf , in which the late autumn leaves falling on the car made more noise than the car, I was taken by the quiet, the reasonable performance, and general sense of how much more refined everything is than on my well-worn 1995 internal-combustion vehicle. Cars are indeed getting better, but an issue remains with electric cars and airplanes – range. The Nissan representatives, a lively bunch of presenters who took prospective drivers through a “pre-flight” education program, admitted that shortcoming, and promised a coming series of charging stations dotting the I-5 from Canada to Mexico at 100-mile intervals, the demonstrated range for the Leaf. Israeli entrepreneur Shai Agassi has come up with an interesting twist on recharging, distributing battery switching stations around Israel. A customer pulls into the station and drives the nearly discharged vehicle over a pit, in which a robotized conveyor system and associated machines disconnect the drained battery and …
Where Are They Now? Part Three
One team has reached its destination, although belatedly, and another is closing on its goal as two electrically-powered epic journeys reach their final hours. Vislab’s orange Piaggio vans and their retinue of support vehicles entered Shanghai, China on October 28, 18 days after their anticipated arrival date; and the Racing Green Endurance (RGE) team from Imperial College London has passed from Chile into Argentina on its home stretch to Ushuaia, the southernmost city in the world. Vislab’s goal of testing autonomous vehicles on the two-continent expedition, with the possibility of one day establishing a modern silk road from Italy to China and applying lessons learned from this journey to making everyday driving safer, had its share of problems, but the expert team managed to overcome these and press ahead in grand adventure style. Their press release marks the notable accomplishment. “The first intercontinental expedition in history composed of driverless vehicles left Parma (Italy) last June 26 and, after traveling for …
Where Are They Now? Part Two
This blog has been following two intrepid groups exploring new geographical and technical terrain. Both have been slowed by mechanical difficulties and sometime bureaucratic entanglements, but are making up for lost time. London’s Imperial College Racing Green Endurance (RGE) team is driving an electric supercar from Prudhoe Bay, Alaska to Ushuaia, the world’s most southernmost city. Their trek down the Pan-American Highway is about 70-percent done and mobile again following their recent enforced layover in Quito, Ecuador. They have been stopped 29 times by police in North, Central, and South America, with many stops more to satisfy the curiosity of the local gendarmes than to enforce repentance of negligence toward the traffic code. Their Thunder Sky batteries and EVO motors have been performing reliably, pushing the car 250 miles or more per day on their eventful voyage. To make up for time lost in repairs, they are pressing on, as attested to in their latest Twitter tweet, “We are in Machala! 320 …