Just as we have competing teams working out their plans to cross the Atlantic on electrically-powered wings, several projects are aiming high, attempting to reach altitudes normally achieved only by SR-71 pilots. With balloon jumps topping 130,000 feet and the Perlan Project in final stages of construction for test flights early next year, the latest entrant in stratosphere-busting climbs will attempt the mission on batteries and solar power. Raphael Domjan, a self-described “eco-adventurer” and founder of Mission SolarStratos, will attempt by 2017 to top 80,000 feet in a two-seat, twin-motored craft designed and built by Calin Gologan and his PC-Aero team. The airplane, a long-winged derivation of Gologan’s Elektra Two Solar, will rely on recent developments between Gologan and his American Partner, George Bye. They’ve formed the American Electric Aircraft Corporation, dedicated to building, testing and certifying a two-seat trainer. Solar Stratos has a 24.4-meter (80.8 feet) wing, 7.4 meters (9.84 feet) longer than that on the longest-span Elektra Two. …
Solar Impulse Night Flight Postponed
The Solar Impulse project sent out the following press release this morning: “Dear Solar Impulse Friends, “This morning at 06h45, the Solar Impulse Mission Team had to take the difficult decision to postpone the first night flight attempt. “The problem comes from the telemetry transmitter that has broken down. This system enables the ground team to follow in real time the flight mission and to monitor thousands of crucial parameters. With a prototype such as Solar Impulse currently in an experimental phase, this system is an essential component without which, the mission was not possible. “Due to this inoperative piece of equipment produced specifically for this prototype, we were unfortunately unable to replace it and subsequently had to postpone this first attempt. “The entire team is of course intensively working to find a solution, however at this particular time we are unable to announce another date for the next trial.” Project leaders commented, with Chief Test Pilot Claude Nicollier reminding …
How Small Can You Make A Gyro?
MEMS (micro-electrical-mechanical systems) are rapidly becoming hot items in the electronics market. Consider the rather amazing controllers for WII games. These provide a degree of haptic feedback, partly based on the MEMS inside. Your iPhone or GameBoy have MEMS devices that allow realistic banking and turning on screen – again based on gyro feedback from MEMS devices. Consider putting this micro-gyro capability into a heading hold and wing leveler device in an electronic certified flight instructor envisioned by the CAFE Foundation, and you can see why this technology holds promise for safer flight and expanded light aircraft capabilities. Eagletree has a range of telemetry and monitoring products for model aircraft that combine this technology with sophisticated radio gear, including video capabilities, and you have a powerful tool for development.