Brian Carpenter, designer of the EMG-6 motorglider which he’s shown over the last several years at AirVenture, will stage a webinar to discuss “the design and development concepts of this new electric motorglider.” His talk will have special “Emphasis on the integration of the electric propulsion concepts that he believes will change the face of the light aircraft and ultralight industry.” Your editor has visited Brian’s Corning, California workshop several times, and always found new and innovative approaches to producing a low-cost, self-launching motorglider, with several ways to simplify construction and to power the craft. It will be interesting to see progress on the newest motor (apparently still under development) Brian has presented on his web site. He has been experimenting with low-budget hydroforming for making repeated metal parts and making plastic parts using 3-D printers. His shop is always worth seeing. The webinar, to be held Wednesday, October 19, 2016 will take place from 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM …