Eviation’s Alice flew today, a long-awaited event that might mark a new direction for regional aviation. Alice has undergone extensive redesign and a restructuring of its business management team in the last year, but the new airplane finally took to the air. It’s taken long enough that even a late-show host took pot-shots at it in singularly lame fashion. Corden and his writers can do better. Despite the jibes, and following a somewhat traumatic development period, during which an early prototype was heavily damaged by fire in a ground charging accident. Eviation moved ahead. The firm moved operations from Israel to Arlington, Washington, within 15 miles of Everett-based motor maker MagniX. There, the new design underwent construction, followed by motor runups and taxi tests. After lengthy motor runs, Eviation moved operations to Moses Lake, Washington, where it began high-speed taxi texts. Flying magazine reports on its first test flight. “After months of ground testing and anticipation, Eviation’s sleek, electric airplane …
Eviation’s Alice Meets a Governor and a Mayor
Eviation’s Alice and MagniX’s motors got a visit from the Governor of Washington State and the Mayor of Arlington where the nine-seat airliner is being prepared for its first flight. Electric aircraft, so far, don’t command that big a portion of the daily press, so it’s heartening to see TV cameras and news reporters turn out. Eviation shared its take on Facebook. “We enjoyed hosting @GovInslee and @barbtolbert today for an intimate look as Alice prepares for first flight later this year. They saw first-hand how our growing teams are working to make #electricaviation a reality.” Governor Jay Inslee was already aware of the work motor company MagniX was doing when he acknowledged the May 28, 2020 flight of a Cessna Grand Caravan. “The world’s largest all-electric aircraft took flight yesterday. And it was right here in Moses Lake, WA. Congratulations to @MagniX and all those involved.” This referenced the Cessna Grand Caravan powered by a Magnix Magni500 motor. In …