Phinergy: The 100X Battery?

Dean Sigler Electric Powerplants, Sustainable Aviation Leave a Comment

Phinergy is an Israeli startup that promises high energy density energy storage systems, coupling zero emissions with light weight and great range in vehicle use.  The company’s technology is similar to that of another Israeli firm, Alydro, reported here last year, and to the use of aluminum beverage can pull tabs, water and vinegar by a Spanish teacher and student demonstrated at the model car level. While Alydro does not seem to have shown a working model, Phinergy is demonstrating its technology in a small vehicle, sharing it all in an interview with Bloomberg Television. (Video updated June 28, 2017) Phinergy explains its unique technology.  “Unlike conventional batteries that carry oxygen, these batteries freely breathe oxygen from the ambient air to release the energy contained in metals.”  In aluminum’s case, that energy amounts to 8 kilowatt-hours per kilogram.  Since the best lithium ion batteries might currently achieve 200 Watt-hours per kilogram, the aluminum battery could show 40 times the energy …

An American ReVolt

Dean Sigler Uncategorized Leave a Comment

ReVolt Technologies LLC, a Swiss battery company founded in 2004 as a spin-off of SINTEF, Norway, is moving its headquarters to Portland, Oregon. Initially targeting the consumer electronics market with their zinc/air battery (compare to the lithium/air batteries IBM is researching – see “Big Blue and Blue Sky Thinking” October 25, 2009) in a grant request to the U. S. Department of Energy for $30 million for research on making large format versions of the battery for vehicles.  The company has an alliance with chemical giant BASF. ReVolt claims the following advantages over lithium batteries: A theoretical potential of up to 4 times the energy density of lithium-ion batteries at a comparable or lower production cost. Extended battery life due to stable reaction zone, low rates of dry-out and flooding, and no pressure build-up problems. Controlled deposition with no short-circuit, high mechanical stability. No need for bulky peripherals such as cooling fans or temperature control systems. Generally seen as primary …