Exciting new pictures from Tomas Brodreskift show that his nearly decade-long project has reached a happy completion. The Equator P2, born in the mind of a talented industrial designer, seemed like a nice dream when your editor first saw it in renderings. As one would expect from an accomplished product designer, the aircraft looked wonderful, set in inspiring backgrounds. A Man, A Plan, An Airplane As Tomas’ web site explains, “In 2008 the two Industrial Design students and pilots Tomas Broedreskift and Oeyvind Berven started work on the new EQP2 Xcursion, Equator’s first attempt on the light aircraft market. In this start–up phase the Equator team are working on making project assignments, design briefs, and specified diplomas that can be worked on by students. Therefore we encourage every student with relevant studies and an aerospace dream to join our efforts and in time become part of the new Equator Team that will ultimately bring amphibian flying to a new level. …
First motor Test Run for Equator P2
The Equator P2 is a hybrid amphibious two-seater that looks like the future. Under development for a decade, this amateur-built machine looks highly professional, surpassing in form and function many of its factory-built peers. It had its first motor run-up recently, a much-anticipated event that met all expectations. Looking Like the Future, Built in a Garage One can see the garage-built home of the craft in the simple bracing used to hold the tail-mounted motor in place, an example of the truly hand-made nature of the Equator prototype. The rudimentary surroundings fail to show the sophistication of the design, however, including a power system similar to that used on the range-extended e-Genius. Progress over the last nine years has been limited, as with many such projects, by (in Tine Tomazic’s words)”the speed of cash.” As with other such projects, the family car occupies the driveway, the Equator the garage. Tomas Brodreskift designed the craft while serving an internship with Airbus. …