Three companies presented electric versions of their light electric aircraft at Friedrichshafen, Germany this year. From a WWII replica to a high- and low-wing pair of Part 103-compliant craft, to a very modern trainer, the three represent increasing sophistication in light aircraft. Elektra Trainer Dr. Birgit Weissenbach shared that as the only approved electric aircraft in its class, the Elektra Trainer also gained Aero Expo’s Innovation Award 2023 from Aerokurier. We’ve described the technical details of the airplane in a February entry about its certification, and highlighted its development through many other entries. Dr. Wiessenbach noted,“What is particularly pleasing is that this year’s reader award was drawn not only among electric aircraft, of which there are currently not that many, but in the much larger category engine and electric aircraft. Its promised “2.5 hours of safe flight,” validated noise level of 48 dBa, and relatively easy one-person assembly all add up to a functional, useful trainer that can lower …
Elektra Solar Launches HALE with Autonomous Control
Dr. Birgit Weißenbach of Elektra Solar GmbH and PC-Aero announced “The world’s strongest multifunctional solar-electric HALE aerial vehicle – the Elektra Two Solar: [with] “Take-off, flight and tough-down” successfully completed with [its] own autopilot system We usually think of HALE (High Altitude Long Endurance) aircraft as being huge, sun-eclipsing things like AeroVironment’s flying wings or Boeing’s Phantom Eye. These require large support systems and ground crews, much like the team that chased Solar Impulse around the world. Elektra Solar GmbH, a joint venture combining PC-Aero GmbH and Elektra UAS GmbH, uses aircraft designed by Calin Gologen, head of PC-Aero, and computer technology from Dr. Ing. Habil. Konstantin Kondak. Since October, 2009 he headed a key research area, Flying Robots at DLR’s Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics in Oberpfaffenhofen near Munich. Their collaboration led to two svelte HALEs, the smaller Elektra One Solar (a veteran of a solar-powered Alpine crossing) and the larger Elektra Two Solar. This airplane is also the …
Clearing up the Origin of One Airplane
The following press release was distributed by Dr. Birgit Weißenbach, wife of Calin Gologan and press representative for PC-Aero GmbH: “Many press releases and articles were published in the whole world relating the Aircraft flown by Luminati Aerospace LLC in NY named Substrata V0 and the Solar Electric airplane from PC-Aero/Elektra UAS named Elektra One Solar. “In order to avoid misunderstandings PC-Aero/Elektra UAS GmbH publish[es] the following press release: “In October 2015 PC-Aero/Elektra UAS, the designer and manufacturer of the electric-solar airplane Elektra One Solar, and Luminati Aerospace signed a Manufacturing License Agreement for ONE UNIT aircraft based on the Elektra One Solar documentation provided by PC-Aero/Elektra UAS. PC-Aero/Elektra UAS also provided [a] ONE UNIT manufacturing license agreement to CarbonWacker GmbH for this aircraft. CarbonWacker GmbH is the long-term partner of PC-Aero/Elektra UAS for the manufacturing of all their Solar Electric Aircraft. “For the aircraft delivered to Luminati the following changes were done by PC-Aero: aileron span was increased, wing flaps …
PC-Aero Introduces Solar Elektra One, Solar Trailer
Dr. Birgit Weißenbach, press and marketing director for the firm, announces that PC-Aero and Calin Gologan will appear at the ILA (Internationale Luft- und Raumfahrtausstellung, or International Aerospace Exhibition) Berlin Air Show being held between September 11 and 16 at Roger Airfield, about 11 miles southeast of the city. They will be showing, for the first time, their operational Electric Flight System, comprising their electric and solar-powered Elektra One Solar aircraft and a mobile solar charging station, the trailer in which the motorglider can be transported. Dr. Weißenbach notes that “At the Aero in Friedrichshafen/Germany this year we presented only a mock-up of the Elektra One Solar (Editor’s Note: as they did at AirVenture 2011, showing only stuck on, but not connected solar cells on the shorter Elektra One wing).” The ILA will see the debut of the aircraft with greater span, higher aspect ratio, and a laminar airfoil. Calin Gologan explains, “We do not have to wait for new …
Friedrichshafen Becomes Elektra
Dr. Birgit Weißenbach, who heads up marketing for PC-Aero, the German firm that produces light electric and solar-powered aircraft, sends two pictures from the company’s display at Aero Expo, now taking place in Friedrichshafen, Germany. The display is overflown by a 1/5-scale model of Elektra Two, their anticipated two-seat electric airplane with solar cells, a design intended for travel, training and flying clubs. Another model, the Elektra Observer LT, represents their unmanned “Very Light Electric Aircraft” with solar cells to allow long-duration civil surveillance. On the floor, Elektra One has its full complement of Solar World solar cells, which supplement its battery power. Elektra One Solar has longer wings and a larger solar cell area, both extending its range. Both use the Flytec HP-13.5 motor and controller, associated battery pack, and claim up to three hours endurance and 400 kilometers (250 miles) range. Dipl. Ing. Calin Gologan, founder and President of PC-Aero, will hold a press conference April 18 and …